I own a Houseplant Café, where you can sip coffee while you shop for houseplants and small handmade items, think jewelry, pottery, candles etc. We’ve been open six months and things are going not as well as we’d hoped. Demographic: millennial women, brunch crowd (I can break this down further) Area: 12k cars pass us a day, we do have road signage and a flag Returning customers: 17% of our clients visit more than once a month Offerings: locally roasted coffee, lattes, smoothies, sandwiches, fresh pastries

I have a marketing background, but I’ve been out of the game a bit and so I feel like I’m not living up to the needs of the business. We do post daily on social media. Have a following of over 5k between insta and FB, starting on Tiktok next week. We need to nearly double our daily numbers to get to the profits we estimated before we opened. We do theme days that are very popular but then the rest of the week is under $500 days. I have a small marketing budget of about $1000 a month which I’m not sure where to utilize. Help? I’m getting desperate for my space to succeed.

  • BaltimorebillionaireB
    10 months ago

    Send out 10,000 flyers to local neighborhoods.

    Offer local groups (hoa, scouts, AA, non profits) a meeting space

    Host networking nights/days for local businesses. Even do a monthly realtor day, monthly lawyer day, doctor day, anything where businesses can network.

    Hold game nights. Maybe an annual chess tournament or board game tournament?

    Sounds like you need to get more first time customers who then go “wow this place is awesome!, i need to come back and bring so and so”

    Once a month have “free coffee for cops” or something.

    Anything that people enjoy so much they make it their daily stop instead of Starbucks or dunkin.