Can I use an Apple watch without an iPhone?

I have an option to buy a smart watch as a part of my annual company benefit. I currently have an Android so I was considering Pixel/Samsung but Apple watch seems to be the gold standard overall. I considered Garmin but those advanced metrics might not be very useful for me.

My current phone (although a little old) works fine for me and I don’t see the need to spend extra on a new phone to just get a watch. I planned to hold on to my current phone until it dies or I get a very good deal. I just couldn’t justify the cost of a new phone (started working recently).

A lot of my friends have iPhones and I’ll probably buy one soon. But, for now, is there a way I can use the watch. (I anyways need to buy some watch else the credits expire)I was thinking if I could just borrow a friend’s iPhone, sign in with my account (I own a Mac), and get started with my watch. Use it for 6-8 months until I eventually buy my own iPhone.

To clarify, I don’t see the need to buy any smart watch whatsoever. Consider that I have the choice of getting one as a gift.