This is a fresh new Win11 Pro, licensed version, installed yesterday.

I am trying to add it to my home network and I believe I have discovered why. But don’t know how to fix.

In System -> About -> Domain or Workgroup -> Network ID, I am presented with an option to make the computer part of my home network (pic).

Unfortunately, whenever I change to Home and reboot, the change does not take, and the issue is not resolved. Being unable to change this indicates that there is a bug or a problem.

In File Explorer -> Neworking, I can see the other computers on the network (that have discovery set, no password, etc, etc), but when I try to connect, it asks for password, which I don’t have setup.

Furthermore, I don’t see the Win11 computer in Networking. On all my other machines, they (self) show up in Networking section, which tells me the Win11 machine is not considered part of the workgroup/home network. Its not even seeing itself.

This is a hail mary. There are rumblings on Microsoft support with this same problem that went unsolved. I have selected every possible UI option that would enable it to be discoverable on the nework, the only anomaly is that I can’t set the button (pic) to home because it always reverts. This is the problem, but I don’t know how to fix.