I’m running into an annoying issue— whenever I put the SD OLED into sleep then wake it up, attempting to start any app or game results in the spinning Steam loading logo appearing indefinitely. I can tell the actual app loads in the background because when I press the quick settings button (three dots) the app loads in the background. But when I exit the quick settings menu by pressing the B button, I’m transported back to the spinning loading Steam logo. The only thing that seems to fix this is a restart.

This happens on the stable, beta, and preview versions of the OS. Is anyone else experiencing this? It’s quite annoying.

  • Jinfash_SrOPB
    10 months ago

    I can confirm the root cause is somehow tied to wake up animation, as LennethW suggested. I had previously downloaded a few custom boot videos, switch to them, then back to the default movie. However, the “use as wake up animation” toggle was still set to on. When I toggled it off, everything started working as expected and I no longer have issues launching apps after the SD is woken up from sleep.