Who’s similar to Io in that they provide heavy buffs to teammates moreso than anything else? Ive played Ogre magi and they seem fun with their big steroid but im looking for someone who is more or less designed to bolster the team. A bit like Io!

  • General_Register_664B
    10 months ago

    Game doesn’t really work like that… all “healers” play differently to one another. Wisp, treant, oracle, support lc, abaddon, warlock, dazzle, omni… They all have a "heal’ but are nothing alike in gameplay. You just have to play every hero and see what suits you. If you wanna help your carry then using jakiro to spam out the other team or offer a stun to let him escape might be more effective than healing him. Or something like marci to get him a sneaky kill. Wisp is actually one of the least fun to play as support because in low mmr you’re not going to be effective at anything most of the time. Oracle and marci are great though and jakiro is ezmode