So I currently work in water treatment (not something I can be a digital nomad in). I’m 27 years old. I was thinking of moving to Barcelona and maybe working as a remote customer service agent for a u.s airlines part-time while there. It would be a huge pay cut of over 50%, but I really want to try it. I already speak Spanish and I would just need to find a flat. Theoretically, I could just not work and live on savings, but I feel like having a job would give me a good balance in my life. Have any of you guys done something like this before? Taken a pay cut to be a nomad? Any advice?

When I tell people this plan, they look at me like I’m crazy. I guess I kindof feel like childish a bit, because I didn’t get the opportunity to study abroad when I was in university and I feel like I wanna do something similar before I’m 30.

  • naeadsB
    10 months ago

    Do something you won’t regret when you are in your 70s. If you don’t do this and you know it will eat away at you, then you have to do it. I have been there before where you ate now, and I am telling you, it has been nothing but great and fantastic memories.