My best hero is by far Nyx Assassin and I’ve heard that the best way to climb out of the lower brackets is to just spam one hero that you’re really comfortable on. That being said, is Nyx a good enough hero with enough impact to rally climb with? I know anything can work in 2K but I still want some other opinions.


  • WellKnoB
    10 months ago

    yes for sure, nyx is really good in 2k but keep in mind that you should be a nyx specialist and not a player picking nyx for 1st time in rank
    watch pro plays for nyx first to know what to do any how to play it correctly
    the snowball is real, supports walk out of position most of the time, people don’t read the map, stupid fights, and most important thing is the lack of carrying dust - placing sentries in the correct position - buying gem