Hello everyone! For the longest time I’ve wanted to get into the NBA but I can’t get the same level of investment as I do with my NFL team.

For context I’ve been a 49ers fan ever since I was a kid and saw Colin Kaepernick (In his prime) play. I love the 49ers now because they’re a very close nit and team oriented organization with plenty of likeable characters.

So how can I find a team in the NBA to get attached to like that? Any advice would be helpful and thank you for your time!

  • RVAIsTheGreatestB
    11 months ago

    San Francisco (Golden State) Warriors! One of the best teams in the league, awesome home crowd, fast pace, lots of passing and shooting, Steph is one of the most exhilerating players around and an organization that puts lots of emphasis on family and unity!

  • Alternative-Target31B
    11 months ago

    You can just be like most on this sub and not actually care or watch - just trash players for no reason, celebrate failures of various characters, and needlessly rank every player/team/coach based on absolutely nothing at all.

    Here’s a few starter phrases to get you going:

    Have you seen his TS%? (Works in any discussion about any player)

    Jokic would have more/less MVPs if he weren’t white (just pick a side)

    (Insert the name of literally any player) is overrated, he can’t win by himself and would just be empty stats. (This one is great because it literally applies to any player ever no matter if they’re good or bad, but nobody can prove you wrong!)