I did something like this years ago with the addition of Aghanim’s Shard adding many new abilities with no flavor text. Now with the addition of many new items, I’m feeling the spirit of that idea come back now. I’m only gonna be doing the buyable items and Lotuses for now. I might do the newer neutral items and abilities later on if I care enough.

Buyable Items:

Blood Grenade: The favored opening tool of the assassins of the Serpent Clan.

Diadem: The headpiece of a forthcoming princess whose steadfast commitment to her people gave hope to even those in foreign lands.

Cornucopia: A linked bracelet that empowers all of the wearer’s most prevalent qualities.

Helm of the Overlord: The king of Slom used this to rouse even the mightiest beasts to utter subservience.

Pavise: A tower shield sturdy enough to resolve a battalion to greater feats.

Disperser: A weapon made in the image of the Skywrath god Avilliva, it can cleanse all blights of the earth to mirror the clearest skies.

Phylactery: The heart of an irksome mage rests within, a fraction of their near boundless energies leaking out with each whisper of the arcane.

Harpoon: The weapon of choice for crazed sailors angry at the leviathans of the ocean.


Healing Lotus: A flower infused with the moonlight of the gentler Dark Moon.

Great Healing Lotus: Flowers grown in the personal ponds of the Temple of Selemene.

Greater Healing Lotus: A rarely found mutation of lotus, seen by the Dark Moon Order as an omen of victory.