**No gossip or harassment in this post, Mods

What a last 3-4 days. I’ve thought about the Giddey situation a lot and one word comes to mind: Disgusting. It’s disgusting how this dude’s name has been dragged through the mud by anonymous internet detectives looking to fill a void in their boring, pathetic lives. It’s hard to grasp how quickly this story blew up and the extent to which many have run with it and labeled him terrible names like ‘pedo.’ The entire story has been guilty until proven innocent - a sign of the times we live in, but it’s pathetic and dangerous. Shame on anyone that has taken part in the labeling and harassment of this guy based on internet gossip and rumor.

To think all of this has happened to a (seemingly) GOOD dude. Giddey has done everything right since joining OKC - plays hard, works to improve and has been active in the community (charity, OS/OSU games, etc). Yes, he’s struggled on the court at times, but he’s only 21. Off the court, yes, there are terrible people out there who put a mask on and come across as ‘nice’ or likable - I don’t know for a fact, but that doesn’t seem to be Josh. Based on family, friend, and teammate feedback, he’s a good guy with good intentions.

Yes, he’s obviously a classic member of Gen Z that is a bit reckless with social media. When you allow people to put your name and face out there, especially as a young, rich, successful NBA player, you open yourself up to scrutiny. You live and you learn. Im sure he’s learned A LOT already.

I really hope this turns out to be a massive nothing burger and things return to normal. Giddey JUST TURNED 21 and has his entire life/career in front of him. Like the rest of the NBA, he parties, hooks up and enjoys a life that comes with fame, wealth and notoriety. Could he have made a mistake? Of course - people sneak into clubs all the time with fake IDs or lie about their age. People also get hammered (Giddey included). That said, I highly doubt this guy is out seeking underage girls.

Moral to the story: Wait until the facts come out and don’t play judge, jury, and executioner. Nobody knows how old anyone was, what actually went down, or even what’s real and what’s not.

  • hehehehehe23OPB
    10 months ago

    Unfortunate to hear that your personal feelings have changed about the Thunder. They’ll obviously make a statement eventually. I think they’re doing the right thing by not overreacting to a raging internet mob ready to burn Josh at the stake. Let the investigation play itself out and then hold a press conference.

    TBH, I cannot imagine what is going through Giddey’s head. Some combination of nervous, anxious, paranoid, depressed and pissed at all of the slander. Also, he’s about to play his first game on the road. ‘PEDO’ ‘HIDE YA KIDS’ ‘HERE KIDDEY KIDDEY.’ What a flat out terrible situation to be in.