**No gossip or harassment in this post, Mods

What a last 3-4 days. I’ve thought about the Giddey situation a lot and one word comes to mind: Disgusting. It’s disgusting how this dude’s name has been dragged through the mud by anonymous internet detectives looking to fill a void in their boring, pathetic lives. It’s hard to grasp how quickly this story blew up and the extent to which many have run with it and labeled him terrible names like ‘pedo.’ The entire story has been guilty until proven innocent - a sign of the times we live in, but it’s pathetic and dangerous. Shame on anyone that has taken part in the labeling and harassment of this guy based on internet gossip and rumor.

To think all of this has happened to a (seemingly) GOOD dude. Giddey has done everything right since joining OKC - plays hard, works to improve and has been active in the community (charity, OS/OSU games, etc). Yes, he’s struggled on the court at times, but he’s only 21. Off the court, yes, there are terrible people out there who put a mask on and come across as ‘nice’ or likable - I don’t know for a fact, but that doesn’t seem to be Josh. Based on family, friend, and teammate feedback, he’s a good guy with good intentions.

Yes, he’s obviously a classic member of Gen Z that is a bit reckless with social media. When you allow people to put your name and face out there, especially as a young, rich, successful NBA player, you open yourself up to scrutiny. You live and you learn. Im sure he’s learned A LOT already.

I really hope this turns out to be a massive nothing burger and things return to normal. Giddey JUST TURNED 21 and has his entire life/career in front of him. Like the rest of the NBA, he parties, hooks up and enjoys a life that comes with fame, wealth and notoriety. Could he have made a mistake? Of course - people sneak into clubs all the time with fake IDs or lie about their age. People also get hammered (Giddey included). That said, I highly doubt this guy is out seeking underage girls.

Moral to the story: Wait until the facts come out and don’t play judge, jury, and executioner. Nobody knows how old anyone was, what actually went down, or even what’s real and what’s not.

  • 1804ZayyB
    10 months ago

    Pedo lovers on here 😂 He said he gonna fuck the 16 year old in the video

  • Go_Dawgs_23B
    10 months ago

    100% agree. I don’t know all the facts, but neither does anyone.

    Honestly, this reminds me a lot of the Trevor Bauer situation, which turned out to be false, but not after that hag ruined his MLB career at his peak. I am glad we are keeping Giddey on the court for now, but if it becomes actually serious, I think that will change.

    Also, Adam Silver is hands down the best commissioner in all of sports, so if he is lettting the Thunder handle it the way we are, he is confident in Presti and I’m sure Giddey as well

    Hopefully it was all Twitter nonsense and we can get back to normal.

    I will say though, if it comes out that it is legitimate, I would want his locker cleaned out ASAP. That being said, Giddey is my favorite player and hopefully it was not true

  • laidbacklurk223B
    10 months ago

    This is 100% what’s on my mind dude!

    Nephews from nbacirclejerk really compares him to Malone. Well that sub name checks out lol

    Saying things like “we’re extremely coping” in the Giddey situation. Even here, there are nephews already labeling him as “pedo” from just twitter talk. Shit caught us off guard that’s all.

    If Josh is guilty, then by all means. We need to have him apprehended. Thunder organization is top-tier in the NBA and I’m really positive they’re gonna handle the situation right, whatever the outcome of the investigation is.

    To all nephews, don’t judge by your own standards and bless your heart!

    • I_Brain_YouB
      10 months ago

      Any “circlejerk” sub is just a bunch of edgelords posting dumb memes.

  • revisioncloudB
    10 months ago

    Sure I see your point people shouldn’t condemn him immediately but on the other side of the spectrum, the way this sub leaps through so much mental gymnastics to defend him

    “seemingly good dude”

    “he’s a good guy with good intentions”

    “he could have made a mistake”

    “he just turned 21”

    “it’s a normal occurrence in Australia”

    “people hook up and fake IDs all the time”

    “I’m SURE he’s learned a lot already” (lmao)

    Like what, bro, unless you know him personally or you’re part of the team, you don’t know who the dude truly is and that’s why you can only judge him based on his actions visible to the public. And Giddey isn’t in the league long enough to have a track record where you can confidently give him the benefit of the doubt

    I agree with your conclusion. But if you’re truly interested in waiting for the facts and be neutral about the matter, you wouldn’t write a long ass “Leave Britney Alone” type of essay about some celebrity who doesn’t care about you. You’re just like the rest of us dabbling on the issue so get off the high horse as of the moment, we could all be wrong about the matter as nobody knows anything.

    Tbh I’d rather be proven wrong about this issue. But would you consider the alternative? What if he’s guilty (which seems to be a possibility you’re still entertaining )? You’re already condemning those who exposed him without the results of the investigation. What if he’s guilty and those photos never came to light and he keeps getting away with it, do you know how dangerous enabling that kinda of culture is, which probably exists here and there we just don’t even know because they’re hidden

  • SlippinjimmyforeverB
    10 months ago

    The way the public is running with it is expected.

    I hope it’s false reporting and the pics are old. If not, then he can rightfully face the consequences. But I’m not interested in jumping to conclusions.

  • HermanFlemmingB
    10 months ago

    I’ve honestly been really anxious and sad about this every single day since it blew up, was literally thinking of making some kind of post here about it when I logged on now.

    You nailed it, and it was calming to read the post and comments, thanks 🙏🏼

  • got_ur_goatB
    10 months ago

    One of the most considerate and healthy discussions on the topics. Good to see.

  • AlwaysOptimismB
    10 months ago

    The thing you find “disgusting” about this situation is not that Giddy very possibly fucked a child and will feel no repercussion?

    Of course he’s innocent until proven guilty and should be given the benefit of the doubt.

    “Doubt” begins to creep back in when he refuses to comment about it and the girl (who was underage) and her family are not cooperating with the investigation. That a literal pedophilia scandal is going to be hand waved away is problematic. One could say disgusting even.

    • hehehehehe23OPB
      10 months ago

      ‘Very possibly fucked a child.’ ‘Literal pedophilia scandal.’

      According to Psychology Today, ‘Pedophilia is defined as recurrent and intense sexually arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors involving sexual activity with a prepubescent child or children—generally age 13 years or younger—over a period of at least six months.’

      What in the actual hell are you talking about? We don’t know any facts yet, but a 19 year old hooking up with a whatever age she was isn’t pedophilia.