I (US Citizen) took a job with a reputable organization in France that sponsored my visa. I have a spouse, kids, and 3 pets (pets alone cost $6k to relocate). We sold our belongings in the US and had all just begun to really adjust. However I was notified last week that my employer is actually getting rid of an entire segment of their business which includes my job.

My employment contract does not contain any job loss protections outside of my trial period which was 3 months, which they had originally specified verbally is standard in France and would only end if I failed to pick up on the job.

I realize I have no legal protections as it was my naiveté to not pursue additional contract language regarding job loss during the trial period. I just never imagined this.

I’ve applied to over 50 jobs in a week and have already recieved rejections for most, as most employers won’t sponsor visas for whatever reason.

Not sure the purpose of the post but to say that when relocating, please protect yourself and truly realize how much you’re putting on the line by accepting a job abroad. My husband has not found work either in France so we’re at the point of having to go back to the US, pay all of the travel costs to do so, and have nothing there for us.

  • MungoJerrysBeardB
    10 months ago

    Sorry this happened to you. I was in a similar position twice. First time my wife was pregnant and we needed to move to a different country with good health care within 6 months. Second time, country moved to for the birth of said child, the job was a total nightmare. I made it 18 months but was ready to fly home at my own expense and start over. But something always turns up so don’t give up. Set yourself a timeframe. Target companies. Meet for coffees and chats. You got this, man :)

  • palbuddy1234B
    10 months ago

    Wow. How absolutely horrifying. Pretty close to my worst nightmare. I’m not with the Reddit ‘…no! It’s your fault!!!’ crowd. All I can offer is my condolences, and hoping you somehow land on your feet. Phew. Good luck!

  • Upper_Skin_6762B
    10 months ago

    I am so sorry this happened, I really am. How heartbreaking for you and your family. Contact a labor lawyer ASAP and keep applying for jobs, maybe even take a look on different Facebook groups for expats in France, someone may have advice or know of an opening that could fulfill your visa requirements. Heck, someone here may be able to help to if you can share your sector and experience with us. GOOD LUCK. This has got to be stressful. You will get out on the other side

  • 2catspbrB
    10 months ago

    You realize u have a Schengen visa right now right? U have the opportunity to apply in like most of Europe and time to get it done

  • Both-Basis-3723B
    10 months ago

    This doesn’t solve your housing or employment problem but the daft treaty in The Netherlands could be a tool to stay in eu. Housing is an acute challenge here but it is a great place to raise kids. Really sorry to hear you are going through that