Ever since the latest Android update, there has been a consistent issue that has been bugging me. There is a simple way around it, but it is starting to be highly frustrating:

  1. Playing a game in landscape mode.
  2. Power saver turns screen off and locks the phone after a bit of inactivity
  3. Unlock the phone from the fingerprint scanner.
  4. Screen turns on right in the game, but only one half of it responds to touch. If i touch and drag on the responsive side, i can still drag on the unresponsive side, but the unresponsive side does not respond to touches.
    Only way out of this is to A) pull up the navigation bar and go to main view or B) pushing the unlock button and setting a code. So in both cases I need to first have the screen be in portrait mode before all of the screen works in landscape.

So in my not at all technical brain, the new update changed some sort of screen activation order to where it now doesnt activate the whole screen if it immediately opens to landscape? Has anyone found a *working* fix to this that isnt just “add extra steps to normal phone usage”? Like an actual bug fix?

OH and this is on the FP4.