Hi. I dont know where to post this, this is the closest sub I can think of. So if this post should be in any other sub please do tell me.

So I want to generate a WAV file from text for a personal project and I am thinking of using Tortoise TTS for this and I am following the guide from the github page.

I am doing this using Conda (miniconda) and have installed pytorch. I am running on AMD integrated graphics system with windows 11 so I use that install path.

I have completed installing the requirements.txt file. And completed the setup python file installation. And on running this command -

(tortoise) C:\Users\KIIT\tortoise-tts-main>python tortoise/do_tts.py --text “I’m going to speak this” --voice random --preset fast

Traceback (most recent call last):

File “tortoise/do_tts.py”, line 7, in

from api import TextToSpeech, MODELS_DIR

File “C:\Users\KIIT\tortoise-tts-main\tortoise\api.py”, line 9, in

import progressbar

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘progressbar’

This is the error I get. Can anyone suggest why this is coming and how to resolve this?