I know music can be a bit of a pain in the ass, but even if we had something that helped get it into Lidarr, and utilize the power of things like Prowlarr to allow us to do manual grabs, I think that would be extremely cool. …I took an Intro to BASIC class in high school…maybe I’ll take a stab at it… 😜

Seriously, if any of you geniuses who make all this cool stuff are reading, this is the one thing that really seems to be lacking in the community. I’d be worthless to help code it, but I’d be willing to help with UX or something.

  • @clintkev251B
    19 months ago

    Overseerr has stated that they have no plans to implement music support. It’s on Jellyseerr’s roadmap, so maybe it will come there at some point, I guess we’ll see. Ultimately the issue is that Music is a pain to deal with and I think a lot of people don’t even have music libraries, so demand is likely lower

    • @SawkeeReemoOPB
      19 months ago

      I know Overseerr isn’t going to do it, I just used them as an example. I’d also be curious to know how many people don’t actually have music libraries. Especially with Plexamp being a thing now, it’s the best digital music experience I’ve ever used. And everyone I talk to who’s a music fan can’t stand the streaming services like Spotify and Apple Music. I wonder…

      • @clintkev251B
        19 months ago

        My method for music requests right now is “you can text me if you need something added”

    • @CrispyBegsB
      19 months ago

      i tried it and it was awful. shame, as i’d love exactly overseerr for music

    • @SawkeeReemoOPB
      19 months ago

      Yeah, I tried it out a while beach before the overhaul, and it just sort of worked. I feel like if they just base it on MBZ and leverage Lidarr more, it might have better results. (I’m also talking 100% out of my ass right now, because they very well could be doing that and this is just the result. I love Lidarr, but it definitely has some flaws.)