We have thousands of different parts that are all being inventoried pretty much entirely based off memory. This is just not viable anymore and I’m looking for a legit system to put in place. My thought is something along the lines of a barcode system to label the items and put them in a specific location.

A Google search is showing me an overwhelming amount of different sites that offer a service similar to this.

Any auto shop or small business owners here have any input? What system do you use?

  • Brew_meister_SmithB
    10 months ago

    Seems everyone is looking for data management help today. Dont worry about a system until you know exactly what you want to track and use that data for. There are so many options today it can be overwhelming, from out of the box to semi-custom to full development. Rarely do people need full development, they just don’t know what they really want.

    Do you want to just track inventory, prices, integrate into invoicing/billing, mobile app, barcode, etc.