I want honest thoughts here from other DPS mains.
For me personally I would say the current state of the meta is that it feels very “weird” to be a DPS main.
I say this because I basically feel forced to pick either Bastion or Mei in most matches. Bastion in particular because of how strong supports and healing are currently even after the nerfs. So just press Shift + left click to win.
And the reason I say this is “weird” is because when I think of Overwatch damage dealers, I don’t think of Bastion and I especially don’t think of Mei. This isn’t to say these two heroes aren’t allowed to be good, or even meta per se. But I think with Mei in particular she should be a hero that is a niche pick against certain comps. Not a general use damage hero.
I think the biggest problem this creates is that lower barrier to entry heroes like Bastion feel like they get so much value for so little. Meanwhile, fun heroes with a higher skill cap feel like you get next to no value. Or to get equal value requires so much more risk.
Cassidy and Tracer are basically wiped from the meta despite being two super fun, and high skill, heroes. Picking either of these heroes is practically throwing at this point. Cassidy in particular who I would personally say is the weakest hero in the game.
Genji whilst he can have his place under certain circumstances equally feels really bad to play at the moment. His overall DPS potential just simply isn’t high enough. Even using him to pick at the backline is really hard now as most good support players can quite comfortably 1v1 a Genji. But I think the worst part about Genji is how much harder it is to get significant value out of his ult these days. Even getting two kills with it is super lucky. Meanwhile Mei’s ult can win team fights with ease and is really hard to screw up as you essentially just press Q and your team follows up and does the rest.
Any time I try flexing off the status quo I immediately feel like I am getting punished. And as a former Genji main that makes me really sad.
So what are everyone elses thoughts? I think to summarise I wouldn’t say that DPS is completely dead in the pan. I just wish that more was done to make the high skill and high risk characters also come with higher rewards.