Why is trolling in ranked so much more fun?

By trolling, I mean Team-killing and overall just griefing and trying to actively throw the match. It fills my soul with delight! Quick match it’s fun to Flores-drone the hostage, but on ranked, that’s not possible. So I enjoy using the Finka-Flores strategy on offense to kill teammates with no penalty. On defense, I will intentionally reinforce rotational holes, place Goyo’s on the fall, so when the angry teammate retaliates by shooting my canister, me and my squad mates run into the flames so the teammate gets reverse friendly fire and possibly removed from the match with a a ban!

Oh how it feels my soul with glee!

  • Bee-executionerB
    10 months ago

    I enjoy ELIMINATING TEAMATES with Flores and finka, and the messages after are so entertaining. When they say something NAUGHTY I report them and GET THEM BANNED