so i want to install a better wifi system at my parents house and i cant choose between the 2 aps get a u6 plus at 110 or get a u6 LR at (140 only 30 up currently at a sale from 180 to 140)

im going to also get an unifi ac mesh 100 for outdoor coverage but im conteplating if i realy need that extra coverage and streams the lr gives

walls are brick are around 10-13cm

isp is 50/5 its possible for upto 200/20 or a 1gig in the future

there are 4 rooms : parents,sisters my room and bathroom. and 3 areas will be close to the internal ap with no walls inbetween. Another area that i want to cover is the balcony/garden

i want it to be a 2 ap setup 1 wifi 6 ap for indoors will be at the living room/diner table kitchen

parents bedroom is the first wall my room is 2 walls from the indoor and 1 wall from the outdoor ap some for my sister ony differce is see has 3 walls from indoor ap anf 1 wall from outdoor

is it worth it getting the u6 LR over the u6 plus just for that extra range and extra streams?

the ac mesh for now will be wired via powerline or mesh if speeds are better powerline is about 40-60mbps. In 2 or 3 months ill run extirior rated cat 6 for that ac mesh

  • Giannis_DorOPB
    1 年前

    is it worth getting that secondary ap the ac mesh or should i just downgrade the lr to the plus

    minght also get the lr and fidle around the the power settings