Losses will, of course, always suck. It was cool to see behind the scenes and what goes on during commercial breaks (you mean everyone doesn’t just stop and pull out their phones until commercial breaks are over?) And to see some of the flair, even if it was Broncos themed. The atmosphere of it all, etc etc.

What I didn’t expect (and maybe should have; mob mentality and all) is how the fans act behind the scenes. The hit on DTR that laid him out drew a flag, and the fans were pretty livid. Don’t agree with the call? Okay, sure, yeah, whatever. It happens. But then when he finally gets up and walks off the field, fans were booing. They were upset that he evidently “wasn’t injured enough”… Seriously? And then later when Cooper took that heavy hit, they were cheering on with shouts of “yeah, take that asshole out!” And “let’s take Garrett out at the knees too!”

I had a teaching moment with my 8 year old son, having to explain to him that it’s not okay to wish injury or harm to anyone regardless of what team they play for.

I’m guessing this is a thing for most home crowds? I want to give people the benefit of the doubt but damn man, I think I’ll stay home and cheer from my couch rather than pay hundreds to hear people be downright awful.

TL;DR - Don’t wish or celebrate injury on anyone, players are people too.

  • Unhappy_Quarter154B
    10 months ago

    Dude this is every single football game.

    It’s a huge crowd of drunk, wild people. This is everywhere I’ve ever been.

    There really isn’t one place that is better than others.

    At a 49ers game my dad got hit with a beer bottle

    • Forty_Six_and_TwoB
      10 months ago

      I second this. Pro football crowds are drunken lunatics just barely keeping their violent tendencies at bay under threat of constant surveillance and imprisonment. Not ALL of them of course, but a higher concentration of wife beating psychos than you might normally encounter out in the wild. Instead of season tickets, I spent $600 on a kick ass TCL and it’s just like being there. Without, you know, the spitting and thinly veiled threats.

  • EconomicsOk9593B
    10 months ago

    Stuff like this would never happen at a browns game… browns fan are the most respectful in the entire nfl. Other teams should take note.

  • calvin2028B
    10 months ago

    TV showed Broncos fans being douchebags to Cooper while he was walking with trainers to the locker room. No player deserves that. Cooper is a quiet guy who always respects the game and the opponent. I felt bad for him.

  • Forty_Six_and_TwoB
    10 months ago

    I would never go to an away game. I don’t get why anyone would ever want to be surrounded by 50k hostile people. I see our own fans fighting with each other ffs, it’s just asking for a bad experience.

  • butwholemilkB
    10 months ago

    Broncos fan here, we just continued to boo the refs because even if your sitting in the 500s it was a terrible call. Nobody wishes pertinent injury on these guys to who go out it all out on the line for our entertainment. You said it yourself you went to an NFL football game with 60,000 drunk people wearing the opposing teams jersey. I was respectful towards others but the place I grew up in had a bunch of people barking like dogs and a girl come up to me and physically say fuck the Broncos, so how are we always fans supposed to get along? you’re not it’s just part of the camaraderie. don’t get into a fight, don’t disrespect anybody and if you can do all that without tossing curse words and being an ass then your the winner, but if you don’t have tough skin to sit through a game when it doesn’t go your way I would highly recommend never going back to Cleveland to watch one.

    • BrownsfaninCOOPB
      10 months ago

      Ain’t about tough skin in this one, and it wasn’t just booing refs either. These were renewed boos and jeers and literal shouts of “He can still walk? That’s bullshit!” and “Hit him again!” AFTER the boos from the penalty call and only AFTER our guy was able to get up and walk off the field.

      The Broncos fan sitting next to me was just fine. We jawed, gave each other’s team shit, and overall had a good experience watching the game as opposing fans, despite us getting rocked pretty good.

      As a Browns fan, I’m no stranger to suffering through losses. On to the next one! But these were calls for injury. I’m sure it happens all over, and your stadium isn’t the only one, but consider it a call to be better. That goes for us, too.

  • 5Z1L46Y1B
    10 months ago

    Agree whole heartedly. Was there. The fans sucked real bad. Also cheered when Amari got hurt.