I will caveat this by saying that I do think our offensive line has improved from last year, but not to the degree that people think. However, I see a lot of posts saying that we need to “apologize” to Liam Eichenberg or Austin Jackson. In AJ’s case, there has been some marginal improvements but I just don’t see it with Eich.

Tua had the 2nd fastest Time To Throw this week and he has the fastest TTT over the season so far. The Time To Throw over the past few weeks has progressively gotten lower. I don’t think we can draw a substantial amount of conclusions from AJ or Eich’s performances because McDaniel schemes poor blocking mostly out of the equation with the quick passing. The magic of our offense is that despite the incredibly quick passes we are throwing, the low amount of receivers in routes and the high amount of blockers we employ, we are consistently near the top of Completed and Intended Air Yards.

I’ve been watching Curtis on the channel Ace Per Head for a few years now and I feel like he does the best analysis of the Dolphins offensive performance. His basic thesis is that a lot of the flaws in our offensive line this year are covered by: A) How quick we get the ball out and B) the help that our poorer blockers get when Terron, Connor and Hunt are all in. Curtis has tracked how much blockers we use per pass all season and the number has increased the more we are injured, which in turn decreases the amount of receivers in routes. All of that is a recipe for having a mediocre to bad offense, but as Curtis has pointed out: our offense is defying convention because the teams that are closest to us in Time To Throw are nowhere near us in Completed Air Yards and yet the combo of Tua’s elite release and anticipation, Tyreek and Waddle’s speed and leverage, and McDaniel’s scheming have allowed our offense to be elite.

How I see it, the big jump in our offense from 2021 to 2022 was going from 5 Completed Air Yards per play to 8 due to McDaniel’s new scheme. And the apparent jump in our offensive line performance this year is mostly due to adjustments to that scheme that are cutting down the Time To Throw from 2.3 to 2.6 seconds. Those .3 seconds make a huge difference in the NFL and save Tua from taking a beating. I think if Terron, Connor, and Hunt can all be in a the same time and healthy, this offense can take another step, but while that is not so this offense will continue to be limited by the offensive line.

  • TheSeer1917B
    10 months ago

    Can’t read this due to errands. But by any metric, all last year, this entire off-season & up a week or so ago, most of us would have sworn under oath that Ajax was a Bust! And likewise, but extending all the way to a week or so ago, many FinFans were praying Eichenberg didn’t shit the bed and get one of the Fins injured. Also too, we cursed Grier for over evaluating & drafting both of them. But Ajax is real good, and Eichy is getting it done. So I’ll go by my eyes, not Extra-planetary stats. Or until you are proven right

  • OblivionNAB
    10 months ago

    Our Oline would probably be giving up upwards of 100 sacks a season if it wasn’t for Tua and the scheme

  • TheSeer1917B
    10 months ago

    okay. but to really be pedantic, I’ll note I’m not rating them any which way. Note Over. Not Under. Are fans truly going on SocMed & telling other fans, or other FinFans that the O-line is the cat’s pajamas. Or rating them in any numerical or qualitative way. I’m not. I’m just breathing a sigh of relief that it ain’t the shit-show most of us feared. Unless the Other Kelce & every other pro-bowl O-liner is allowed to join the Fins down the stretch. TL;DR. Your stats may not be Extra-planetary. But I’ll hold fast to my opinion that the conclusions you draw from them are. And no one is “rating” them anyway. Neither FinFans nor talking heads.

  • end_times-8B
    10 months ago

    Totally agree. To add on - run blocking has somewhat improved, but Mostert and Achane are also extremely fast and notice how we never seem to run up the middle? I think the blocking is not there, it’s always to the outside and based on speed and only works when the runner can get a seam up field. The number one ingredient for this offenses success has been speed. Speed in release, speed in running backs, speed in receivers getting upfield and speed for YAC.

  • GlowingDuck22B
    10 months ago

    Tua is getting the ball out fast so he doesn’t get killed.

  • dolphintailslapB
    10 months ago

    Curtis runs by far the most knowledgeable dolphin fan channel. He’s awesome. All his predictions are correct too. I remember last year him saying our run game would break out against Buffalo if we tried running inside zone instead of outside zone. Sure as shit, Raheem had a monster game running inside zone.

    • DaftClubOPB
      10 months ago

      Amen, probably one of the best guys at breaking down the numbers with tape.