I don’t typically use portainer, but I do have it installed. I usually only use it to visualize things, and do everything in docker compose but I would like to have more control inside portainer.

I’ve read all about this error and the typical solution is to add team or user acl label to docker containers, but I did this and had no luck. I can see the permissions update in portainer, but still says they are external.

I am a single user, who is admin in portainer, so the acls are pointless as admin already has these permissions.

Outside of deleting all the docker compose files and re-creating them in portainer, is there a way have stack functionality within portainer?

If I do switch to creating stacks in portainer, is there a way to get it to name them better than just 1, 2, 3 in the compose folder if I decide to move away from it?