Hey Everyone,

I recently launched my web design agency and decided to kick off with cold calling. I’ve reached out to about 100 businesses, particularly painters in Toronto with basic websites, offering a no upfront cost deal at $25 a month for hosting and maintenance for my first 20 clients. Unfortunately, I haven’t seen much traction. Any suggestions on what I might be doing wrong or if my offer needs tweaking? I only do static sites so basically no e-commerce would that be limiting myself?

  • MrKeys_XB
    10 months ago

    What could work…

    Choose a template for this niche. Put their logo, name and pictures on the header. Make a printscreen and send them this. Make one whitelabel variant of this theme, If interested show them the WL-theme, and for XXX USD it can be theirs. Now you give them something to see and feel.

  • EchoesOfCodeB
    10 months ago

    My feeling is that you should try an other market. When I want to hire a painter, I don’t really care about his website, so I don’t see how it would be interesting for him to pay that money.

    However, when I plan to go to a restaurant, I always check their website to see the menu and prices. If I had to start a web desgin agency selling static websites for a small monthly fee, this is the industry I would target.

  • qookie_pussB
    10 months ago

    My guess would be that people who are interested in that price point would probably just use one of the plug and play providers like wiz or square space.

    Personally I would not trust someone who called me out of the blue to offer me web services. Actually it happens almost every single day. I don’t trust random strangers with something as important as my website. If I’m going to put you in charge of that, I really need to trust you.

    You may want to consider doing some work for free to build a portfolio, and then after that charge a reasonable amount. You need to make the case while you’re worth it.