I’ve been going back and forth on whether I should get myself a Steam Deck OLED. I kind of don’t want to spend so much on a new gaming device right now, so I could only get one if I get rid of my PS5.

Here’s my reasoning:

I have already played all major PS5 exclusives and 2024 looks to be a rather dry year compared to recent years. The one title that is 100% interesting to me is Yakuza 8 and that runs flawlessly on the Deck.

I have a lot of classic PC games in my Steam library from 2009 to 2021 that I would love to replay on a handheld device

New PS5 exlusives are super expensive at €80, it might be worth it to take a “PS break” for 1-2 years and then jump in again and get the big AAA games at a discount

My PS5 is from 2020 and the new slim model just released. I could just pick up the Slim model with new warranty in one year or two.

I’m traveling a lot recently and the Steam Deck would be a nice device for me.

Could try emulating games on the Deck.

I’ve had two/three consoles in the past and I never played them, usually just one at a time. So PS5 + Steam Deck wouldn’t be worth it for me.

Would make my girlfriend happy, she complains a lot that I’m hogging the TV.

What do you guys think, worth it to switch from PS to the Deck at least for a while?

  • THANA108B
    10 months ago

    Depends… Are you gonna play FF7 Rebirth?

  • ValnaireB
    10 months ago

    I bought a Steam Deck and I’m actually selling my PS5. Everything I played on PS5 runs perfectly fine for me on the deck (I don’t mind 30fps), so it was a pretty good choice for me. Just takes up less space, and I still dock it to the tv.

  • EducationalMix9947B
    10 months ago

    Obviously you’re on a SteamDeck sub-reddit… but I would like to think I can provide a somewhat ‘objective’ answer to your question!

    For last few years, during pandemic, I ran a Switch and a PS5 - feeling that both gave me access to play any & every game I wanted to. Pre-pandemic my job involved a considerable amount of travel, but of course that stopped… so plenty of time at home meant that the PS5 got a decent amount of play.

    Post pandemic, regular service has resumed with my work and I travel 3 weeks of 4. When home I have a busy family/schedule etc… and time to grab the TV for “me” is sparse. So I sold my PS5 and got a Deck, now having Switch and SteamDeck.

    Initially I was not fond of the Deck… but this was a “me problem”, as I have never PC gamed - and been very much used to the ease of just plug&play with the Switch.

    However, now I absolutely love the Deck - and it is genuinely not too complicated. You just research games before you buy, to assess performance, and then just tweak the in-game settings (+ Steam UI settings) to ensure best FPS without the game looking like sh*t.

    I got 100% achievements Lies of P playing exclusively on Deck, and am now enjoying Armored Core and BG3.

    Switch and Deck is ideal for me right now, and if you travel a lot it makes sense maybe to do the same? Emulation also allows you to dabble in Nintendo titles, although I am no expert here

  • Bunny_Bunny_Bunny_B
    10 months ago

    I bought a PS5 on launch day and the only exclusives I’ve bought for it is R&C Rift Apart and FF16. Both of which are on/coming to PC. Basically haven’t touched my PS5 since getting my Steam Deck. Unless there’s games you really want to look and run super smoothly then just sell it, Sony isn’t making enough or good enough exclusives for the PS5 to be worth it.