What are your 5 boldest, wildest and most irrational predictions you have for the upcoming pro season? Maybe you have statistical evidence to back them up but no one ever believes you or maybe it is just your undying loyalty to your favorite team or player or maybe its just this nagging feeling in your gut that you just KNOW it will happen.

What are your 5 spiciest (or copium) predictions? I’ll go first.

  1. HLE will win an LCK title, Viper will finally be recognized as a Top 3 ADC in the world.

  2. G2 will finally be dethroned in the LEC and Heretics will claim their title as the Kings of Europe

  3. NA (specifically Cloud9) will make Worlds Semis and they will do it by beating the LPL no.1 Seed in the Quarters

  4. EU will win MSI

  5. GEN G will win Worlds and Canyon will win finals MVP and be established and labelled as the GOAT Jungler. He will also be the first? (I am not sure about this one) player to win multiple finals MVP and Chovy finally beats the choking allegations.

These are just some of my wild/bold predictions. I got this idea from Inside the NBA when the crew does this every season and I loved the idea of this but for League.

  • SwagLord7B
    10 months ago

    LPL will imo have its worst year ever. They probably wont even win MSI and I don’t think theyll have more teams in semis than LCK.

  • Single-Direction-197B
    10 months ago

    I think GENG will be worse with this roster. Not sure if it’s a bold prediction or not but they will miss peanut’s leadership & consistency quite a lot.

  • thatguyty3B
    10 months ago

    5.) Lucid and Showmaker will carry DK (Kellin) to 1 LCK title this year

    4.) Summit will win an LLA title and carry R7 to Swiss stage at worlds

    3.) G2 & Heretics will play against each other in every split finals (down 0-2 Heretics breakthrough and win summer)

    2.) Flyquest will win one split lead by rookie of the year Massu

    1.) Uzi will win worlds

  • baelkieB
    10 months ago

    Kiin becomes 2x LCK MVP, MSI Finals and Worlds Finals MVP, leading Gen G to their first international titles (Samsung doesnt count). The Church of Chovy will be converted into the Church of Kiin.

  • cI0udB
    10 months ago

    1 and 5 don’t seem that wild honestly. Also viper is a top 3 ADC so half of that is already true

  • Critical_Bag1B
    10 months ago

    My top prediction is t1 sandbags the whole year for another worlds win

  • DPlusShoeMakerB
    10 months ago
    1. Korea will have a rough MSI and maybe Worlds, and EU/NA will overperform internationally.

    With all the changes to the rift, we are once again heading into uncharted territory. The pro-scene for league has pretty much stagnated over the last several years, and the game has been pretty much figured out up to this point. However, with all these map, item, and objective changes, it opens up a whole new world of strategy, cheese, and objective control that will take some time to figure out. Wouldn’t be surprised if the LCK gets caught off guard like in 2018 when their slow, risk-adverse playstyle was abused. This year might actually be EU and NA’s best shot at taking an international title.

    1. NA will perform better than EU internationally.

    NA recently dropped two teams leaving only 8 teams left in the scene. Technically, that should increase competition as there are less spots for players. EU on the other hand is starting to become a regional league where teams are forming rosters based on nationality rather than skill. That can be abused if teams can easily identify the weakest link.

    1. LCS Fearless draft for Academy will be a flop.

    Unless they can figure out a way to prevent teams from completely banning out a single player’s champion pool leading to one-sided stomps, there’s nothing much to learn from it. This is what happened in the LDL.

    1. There will be many more upsets in every major region throughout the year due to the changes on the rift. Especially at the beginning of the season. Teams like GenG, HLE, and JDG will struggle at the start.

    League is a game based on strategy, teamwork, and coordination. However, most players, especially those in the LCK and LPL, are also very mechanically gifted. With all these new changes and a bad PBE environment, I expect bottom-tier teams to catch opponents by surprise as everyone is trying to figure out the most optimal pathing, builds, and pick/ban.

    1. Not really a bold take, but LPL getting rid of their English Broadcast is going to absolutely destroy their global fanbase.

    No one really wants to watch a game in a language they don’t understand. I appreciate IWillDominate for coming out and saying that he will stream games, but he doesn’t do play-by-play. His casts can also get very convoluted if he is streaming with “the sack.”

    LCK has generally been good with interacting with their global audience which is why they have a lot of fans around the world. LPL removing their English Broadcast is pretty much telling everyone who is not Chinese that they don’t care. I would expect there to be a lot more cheers for LCK teams than LPL teams especially over the next few years if their broadcast isn’t brought back.