2007 honda civic lx VTEC, car was not maintained before it was given to me and i’ve gradually been replacing parts over time. over the last month my car has been slightly shaking and pulling towards the right when i drive but not anything crazy. now over the last week the shaking has turned into wobbling, almost like my car can barely make it over my passenger wheel. it feels like it’s primarily coming from there. it’s making a “thud” noise at all speeds, the wobbling is really obvious and you can see my car shaking from the outside. it’s hard to even drive straight and i had to white knuckle it home from work. there’s no grinding or crunching, just a “thud” and wobbling from the front. all of my tires have air. i just dropped it off at the shop, what should i expect? i had literally just made an appointment to get my tires replaced and get an alignment for next week.