This team is truly dogshit.

No matter how you look at it. They are beyond dogshit.

The fact that we got Monty being the biggest fucking moron on the fucking planet. Playing Liver 20 plus minutes and giving Ausar only 26 fucking minutes is stupid. Who the fuck does Monty think Livers is. He hasn’t been good. Ausar is one of the only players that played well. He scored effectively and played great defense. I don’t understand why the fuck you didn’t play him in the third quarter. If Kyle Kuzma get 30 fucking points in the game, put your best fucking defender on him. It ain’t fucking rocket science.

I also need Tom to fucking fire Troy. He has been dogshit in his personnel and hasn’t gotten this team to what he said this team would be.

It is beyond insane how incompetent the front office has been. We deserve better. The fan deserve better. The players deserve better.

I am so fucking done with this team. I love this team. And I want them to fucking win. But the fact that we haven’t won more than 10 fucking games since the all star break last year is beyond me.

  • comeonmang126B
    10 months ago

    Gores should be forced to sell I hate this guy who’s getting his wealth off the backs of the prison system

  • mamine1992B
    10 months ago

    I think Gores will sell sooner than we expect. Revenue will decrease and the NBA won’t be able to cover it forever. He is an equity guy, he buys and flips businesses. Once the Pistons growth rate shows decline he’s done. Hopefully after that we’ll get a decent owner.