I have had packet loss issues for the past 5 days now, which has made videos lag and online gaming impossible.

My speed is consistently 80-90Mbps with a 24 ms average latency / ping.

When I do a ping test with cmd prompt ping -n 100 (and also I’m getting the result of 4% packet loss.

I have tested multiple times, it’s always every 20-30 seconds when the ping spikes and packets get lost.

These are the things I have done:

  1. Reset the modem and router
  2. Tried a brand new router (New gaming router)
  3. Direct connection via Ethernet to PC (Issue remains on all of my devices in the house over Wi-Fi and Ethernet)
  4. Replaced all Ethernet cables to new ones.
  5. Multiple settings in my gaming PC (Again, even if the issue was resolved in my PC, the issue remains in other devices)

The packet loss isn’t very noticeable when streaming videos, but online gaming and watching quick videos like TikTok on the phones, you can see when the packet loss hits that it lags.

The internet comes from a Radio Frequency Coax cable to a modem, where it is then connected via Ethernet to my router’s WAN port. Speed and ping are fine (until the packet loss comes every 20-30 seconds). The hardware settings and cable settings have also been working perfectly for this whole year, until it randomly started giving me this packet loss issue.

Is this a problem of my ISP?

I have tried calling them today but no response…