Starting to realize ridder is your first car. Probably got it from a relative. Youre so excited to have your first car you tell all your friends how awesome it is. Then when you get it, it’s great for a minute. Then you realize one of the headlights is out. And then you fix it. But then one day the radio won’t switch off of the worst radio station. But alas you arrive at your destination either way. Then the heat starts blasting for no reason in the middle of the summer. Then for one week, it’s perfect. Then, when you least expect it, your hazards will not turn off, your brake lines aren’t working and your heading for an orphanage at 50mph

  • Ithinkso85B
    10 months ago

    Or he could be a QB who is basically learning on the job . Let’s face it, he did learn ONE thing from MM last season and that was how to turn the ball over lol.

    All joking aside your comp is ok at best. Ridder is more of an enigma wrapped in a quandary, deep fried in sweet OMG I can’t believe he just did that. We don’t know what we have…still 😕🤔 but the ride is fun af