As the title says, I’m in crusader. I’ve recently started playing dota again after a 3 year period. After this long period I was placed in herald/guardian and got back to crusader (where I was at last time I played). I was very stunned by my initial placement but watched a bunch of vids and improved and started climbing. But I’ve hit a wall. I know my gameplay isn’t perfect and there are definitely things I could be doing better, but overall I feel like I’m a skill level ahead of my rank. But I’ve reached a point where my supports constantly grief my lane and its so frustrating. 70% of my lanes are lost or are going slightly even because they position themselves terrible, don’t harass and are practically non existent the entire lane. I had a Zeus who just pulled for the entire lane where we got stomped in lane to no surprise. All of my games are me recovering from the poor lane and winning the game or a combination of that with our mid going off. I want to know what i can do as pos 1 player to avoid these things. I’m thinking of switching to pos 2 which I used to play which I believe I can play sufficiently