He clearly wants cash, wants to get to the US, but is picking ladies who can’t provide that. It’s actually hilarious to me. He’s got the build, he should be doing great but he’s so stupid he keeps picking women who can’t give him more than a few hundred dollars at a time. I just thought it was so funny that he’s has things going with ALL these women in these sanky Panky relationships and he’s still broke lol

  • minivatreniB
    10 months ago


    Sex tourism is “the organization of vacations with the purpose of taking advantage of the lack of restrictions imposed on prostitution and other sexual activities by some foreign countries.”

    People on this sub can be so dense. Daniele did fetishize and objectify Yohan and his baby arm, but at the enf of the day she went to the DR to have a vacation, not to pursue sex.

    • JohninBK-LAMFB
      10 months ago

      So then what would you call people like Molly, Ashley & Melanie who obviously have a type and travel to these places with the express purpose of having sex with the locals?

      I’ll admit the term is over/misused (like MANY on this sub) but just because they don’t have to pay for it like creeps like Caesar, David & David (and I know there’s others I’m forgetting) doesn’t make their intentions any different.