Hello !astrophotography,

Show us your rig!

As we’re migrating to the fediverse, we’re going to bring over some of our recurring posts from the old sub, including the post your rig thread! We’ll likely do a new one once or twice a year as we grow.

Feel free to show off your newest and greatest gear here. It’s nice to see some of the different approaches people take to shooting their astrophotos, and it can give some of our newer enthusiasts an example to follow.

Here’s a template if you need one. Please post pics of your setup if you can!

  • OTA:

  • Mount:

  • Camera:

  • Filters (if any):

  • Guiding equipment:

  • Barlow/Other accessories:

  • Any software you want to mention:

  • Anything I missed:

  • You guys get the point: