• cannedpeachesB
    10 months ago

    Man, I like the Ringer a lot usually - they’re quite funny and the analysis is usually really good. But Ben Solak seems to have decided quite a while ago to take the most boring possible tack on evaluating Bryce - “his size makes it difficult for him to play QB!” - and that thinking has infected Ruiz and, apparently, Princiotti. It’s naive. You cannot grade this dude on EPA alone right now and you certainly can’t retrofit a narrative that he’s “objectively bad” because he’s the “smallest quarterback in the NFL” onto that stat alone without considering other statistical metrics (he’s what, fourth in the league on accuracy in tight windows?) He excels at and his overall environment. They never once mention receiver play or offensive line play in this article about how distressed and asset we are.

    Anyways - I take no issue with the rest of this. David Tepper is the reason this is happening and they, as the kids say, read him for filth. But I think they move the needle of blame considerably off of Frank and onto Bryce and I just cannot get down with that.

    • Successful_Baker_360B
      10 months ago

      The ringers nfl content is probably the least enjoyable nfl content out there. I legitimately think most of their nfl people like the math involved in the sport but don’t actually like football. Since Mays and Clark have left there nobody who loves the sport. (They still have some basketball guys who do O’Conner, Kyle Mann).

      • cannedpeachesB
        10 months ago

        Well, I think they’re real big on the football industry and the ebbs and flows of the league, and they’re real big on advanced analytics and how it reveals what teams are good at and bad at, but they’re considerably weaker at just seeing film and judging the level and style of play.