For those unaware, this has been a narrative that picked up steam when Starfield got released, and even more steam when it didn’t get a spot on the GOTY list for the Game Awards. The thought process behind it seems to be that for every single game on Xbox but not on Playstation, reviewers and journalists form a secret cabal to deliberately sabotage these games with poor review scores and negative coverage. But, according to these conspiracy theorists, if these games were released, either exclusively or simultaneously, on Playstation, they would receive much higher scores and more positive coverage. Apparently, Starfield would’ve received a 96 score if it was on Playstation…

The sheer number of factors that have to be ignored here for this to even begin to make sense is bewildering, like how come player reviews on Steam are Mixed for Starfield? Would they be Overwhelmingly Positive if the game was also on Playstation, like what? But mostly I think it’s just sad. Because instead of demanding better quality from their corporate overlords, these people instead choose to bow down like they’re in a cult and accuse everyone outside as being indoctrinated for saying that “Xbox just didn’t release a banger with Starfield”. If you’re saying that, that must mean you’re either a Sony pony or you’ve been bribed or indoctrinated by the cabal!

It’s not the quality of the game, oh no, it’s the secret cabal of journalists conspiring to harm the Xbox brand and being paid off by Playstation, except when they do give positive reviews to Xbox games, in which case they are completely independent and the conspiracy ceases to exist.

  • leafsfall5B
    10 months ago

    Most of the cabal speculation is based on Spider-Man getting the write ups it did when it’s about a 7.