Before anyone flames me for viruses on iPhone, this is hypothetical. I’m just curious.

  • @Famous_Ant_2825B
    17 months ago

    It’s a bit complicated to reply as in your hypothetical scenario we literally have no information. It’s like me asking “if I’m sick, will I die?” Well it depends… do I have final stage cancer or a random cold? That’s assuming there are viruses in the first place, which iirc they exist but are extremely rare

  • @colemaker360B
    17 months ago

    That depends. Hypothetically, you could only get a virus from jailbreaking your phone and side loading apps. A jailbreak wouldn’t transfer to a new phone, and those malicious side loaded apps wouldn’t either. In theory, your transferred settings are just non-executable configs that get copied, and you redownload your App Store apps direct from Apple. But, hypothetically, if the exploit was in an app that made its way into the App Store, or a vulnerability within iOS itself, or part of a transferred config file that is somehow also executable, then the virus could potentially transfer. But since we’re all hypothetical here I’d say no, by why risk it? If you knew you had a malfunctioning iPhone or had jail broken it, set the new one up fresh.

    • @FriedChicken_Chips12OPB
      17 months ago

      Idk if my phone has been jailbroken. I would set it up new but idk how long it would take to transfer all my photos and messages. How do I even transfer messages

  • @GroveStreet_CJB
    17 months ago

    Hypothetically, possibly. BUT why not start fresh to ensure you’re free from viruses Hypothetically.

  • @DarkencypherB
    17 months ago

    It depends on how it’s integrated into the system. Restoring from a backup (just downloads app data and settings stuff from the old device so I doubt it would transfer anything.