I’m pretty sure there are similar posts like this, but I wanted to make a new one and give some personal reasons why Dota 2 needs a reboot right now, more than ever.


  • Meta is converging, no matter the small patches (or even big ones) they put out there. This is not good for a game like Dota, where it’s all about figuring out what would be the next meta and its fun heavily relies on innovation and exploration within game mechanics.
  • Engine or whatever software is behind Dota is getting old. Sometimes it freezes my computer on Alt-Tab, might I add, my PC doesn’t freeze even in Cyberpunk on full path tracing mode. They haven’t done anything in terms of core software development since the Dota reborn patch. It’s an almost 10-year-old software.
  • Developers are sleeping? Or valve is doing something different? Whatever it is, the game is not doing great in general, so it needs a boost or a treatment like a new game deserves. That fresh breath of air actually might even help them pull their S*** together.
  • It has now over 120 heroes, multiply that with the number of items, abilities, shards and aghanims… this slow but surely mindset of the game, to add a new character or a new gameplay mechanic is wearing out. In International 2023, I think we can all agree, that the hero pool was severely smaller than the total hero pool. So, balancing the game for them is now even not an easy task and I’m sure they have no idea what they are doing because the quality of games has dropped so badly, I even get bored watching TI matches (not all, but most of them). Proof for that is that most of the games are always one-sided unless it’s thrown on tower pushes. If the game is mostly one-sided throughout the game, it’s an indication that the game has issues. In pub games, no one enjoys losing or even winning one-sided matches.

Adding a starting 30 heroes again, and slowly progressing to add new heroes (especially familiar ones), but this time in new software with better core mechanics, can help the developers to build a better game in general, having all the good things learned from the total lifetime of Dota.

They already did a software change for Counter Strike 2, so we know it’s not far-fetched to make items transferable to the new software. That would not be an issue I suppose.

I’m sure I’ve missed a lot of points or made some mistakes in my sentences, but the main point is, that Dota is dying and everyone knows it, even statistics are screaming this, Dota was never behind counter strike in the early 6 years of its lifetime (I might be wrong but I think it’s close). It had always 1 Million concurrent players. Now, it barely hits 500k. We should take into account that most of the new players are not even real ones, so the 500k is absolutely generous for them.

Enough of me talking, I put a poll to see what you think. If most people are ok with the current state of the game, I guess, the problem is me :D and I should find a new hobby or something. Deeply, I love this game. I think it has the potential to be the best game ever. So we all care for it as much as developers, if not more.

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    • sakotariOPB
      1 年前

      You are the one who thinks just because some heroes get nerfed or buffed, meta is changing. That is the most rudimentary take on the meta.

      • ForwhomamifloatingB
        1 年前

        You have the most reductionary takes on the game and it doesn’t make you look smart