Asking for Lower ranked replies only because its two different games depending on rank and I dont think higher ranked players understand that the majority of the playerbase are not GM. Anyway, Roadhog can now heal more than most healers in one match, and they removed his one hit kill ability with another one hit kill ability?? How does this make any sense? All he has to do is put pigpen infront of him, hook, then fist and the enemy is dead. Yeah its slightly more complicated to pull off but its still a one hit kill move. His biggest counter, Reaper, cant even do anything against him anymore because if you get him to low health he heals and then its completely back to square one again, even worse if he has his pocket support with him.

  • zaryaa_B
    10 months ago

    Yeah he feels very unkillable, drop him down, re heals himself, drop him again, gets full healed by just going into cover for a few secs. Even focusing all your dmg on him doesn’t work cos you’ll be focused by their dps.