
I’m a long time Wukong player maining him since his release.

Wukong currently sits at 47% winrate across all ranks in jungle at 49/51 making him statistically the 3rd worst jungler atm. Top lane is slightly better sitting at 49% winrate across all ranks at 35/52.

Sources - https://u.gg/lol/champions/wukong/build/jungle?rank=overall https://u.gg/lol/champions/wukong/build/top?rank=overall

Many Wukong players agree he feels weak compared to other champs and you have to put more effort in to do well in the game and maintain that. I feel I have a good understanding of his overall core issues and potential ways to improve him without making him too strong.

Passive - right now the the Regen feels non existent so I would adjust this back to 3% or maybe even 5% at max stacks. This would help make his passive sustain better and more noticable. The other issue with his passive is 2 things it’s 10 stacks to max and the stacks fall off in one go. I would lower the amount of stacks required to hit max and make the stacks fall off one at a time. This way you would get your passive built faster gaining more overall value and having more time to maneuver in a team fight without your passive completely falling off

Q - as his primary DMG skill it’s a decent amount when your have a sheen item and the armour shred it provides however it’s based DMG is stil low and requires you to buy a sheen item fmto make it worth while. I would increase the base dmg to 30+(50% BAD) that’s a 5 base dmg and 5% BAD increase which will make his DMG better and less reliant on rushing a sheen item. I also think the range increase is great but doesn’t feel value till you have atleast 3 points in it so I would make it so the range is a flat 120/125 range like it used to be. This way you still have a range increase gimmick but you get value at all lvls not 3+

W - not too much to say as it’s fairly balanced. The only thing I would change is making the clone duration scale with points in w. This way you get more value in the clone and it brings his w more in line with wild rift’s kit.

E - it’s bad. This used to be your primary DMG skill but lost 100% scaling with the rework and is now just a gap close attack speed steroid. Personally I think there are 2 ways to go here. 1st would be to give it ad scaling but less than his q I was thinking 15-20% total ad. This way it gets value all throughout the game and spread his DMG across the kit better. The other alternative is to give it a much stronger % scaling and converting the DMG physical DMG. This way he again gets value and scaling on it but it also means he can now pick which to max first and all his DMG can be reduced through armour. Another thing I think could be added is if the clones don’t have a target they could hit the original target for 15% of the DMG. This is something in wild rift and helps him a bunch in duels however I feel this would be better with the first option and too strong with the second option as it’s up to 30% extra DMG.

R - the problematic skill. Let’s start with the biggest issue. The double knockup. It needs to go. Hard cc that can’t be reduced is strong and having a x2 of that in quick succession isn’t healthy for the game. I’d look to remove one charge of the ult but increase the DMG and knockup duration of the ult. This way you can still knock up a 5 man but it’s less punishing to the enemy team while also providing a bit of extra DMG to compensate.

Stats - with his rework his stats got hit a little mainly his health, Mr and Regen. He lost 30 starting health for some reason during the rework tests and never got it back. I’d give it him back, he is meant to be a bruiser yet has less base health than most adcs. Mr he went from 32 to 28 due to assassin Wukong mid being so problematic for ap mids. Since his passive no longer provides Mr I would look to give him this back as well. Finally his Regen got dropped from 7 to 2 then up to 3. I’d bring it up to at least 5. He is meant to be a bruiser with an armour and Regen passive yet the Regen is barely noticeable due to how the passive works and his base Regen so by increasing both it gives value.

Overall I feel these adjustments would bring Wukong more in line within the meta and his wild rift kit without making him too strong. It opens him up to more itemisation relying less on sheen and black cleaver for his overall DMG output so he can build better into the situation and not be a sheen/black cleaver building spinning meatball designed to all in with r and shred for the team. He would still be able to do this without being and punishing to the enemy team but be able to duel better and carry easier if you are in a carry position.

Thank you for your time,

One monkey 🐒

  • Ok-Consideration2935OPB
    10 months ago

    The fact I’m getting down votes for stating his issues and that riot has said he is in a bad spot is hilarious 😂