For example: Say i want to make a game set in the fallout universe, where you can build a gang from the ground up and your goal is to conquer a chunk of the waste land for your territory, and as you go along you create different things that go with your raider gangs theme like slavery, drugs ect.

I ask this because as gamer’s we all want to make our own game

For me a really want a star wars game with the mechanics of Empire of sin, and you have a choice of choosing a pre existing syndicate like the hutt clan, black sun, pykes, maul’s syndicate.

Or making your own syndicate and your own syndicate leader, and depending on the choices you’ve made when making both, effects buffs on businesses, and the businesses being slave trade, gladiator fights, drugs, arms dealing, smuggling, protection, bounty hunters for hire and maybe a couple others

And having the choices you make in your character and companions effect the game, so like if i choose a trandoshan companion i’ll get trandoshan gangsters in my syndicate and they have certain buffs and debuffs

  • PMC-I3181OS387l5B
    10 months ago

    Super Mario [insert creative word here]

    • Sequel to Odyssey
    • Have 16 to 20 self-contained worlds
    • Have a new mechanic that blends both Odyssey’s possession and 3D World’s character abilities
      • Mario gets to bring with him THREE companions.
      • These companions are other Mario characters.
        • Luigi, Peach, Toad, Toadette, Daisy, Yoshi, Rosalina, Wario, Waluigi, Nabbit and Pauline
      • Each character has their own unique ability for platforming.
      • Each world, or at least half on them, allows you to recruit and use a new character.
    • Each world has 10 hidden Stars.
      • 3 of them are accessible by Mario alone.
      • 3 of them are accessible by whoever is initially recruited in the world.
      • 3 of them are accessible by a combination of characters, like how for that one Star, you need Mario, Luigi, Toad and Peach specifically.
      • 1 last is to collect 100 coins.
    • A few worlds are based on other Mario games, like Luigi’s Mansion, Beanbean Castle from Mario & Luigi, Delfino Isle from Sunshine, etc.
    • Gameplay is fairly simple, with a mix of 64, Galaxy and Odyssey.
    • This is essentially Odyssey 2 with mechanics from DK64… and Balan’s Wonderworld ^^;