Foreword: this is mainly taken from these few posts from Hupu/other translated anecdotes from Weibo.

I did watch his stream live but I haven’t gotten around to rewatch it in Chinese subs and there wasn’t a post about him reviewing the JDG match:


  • Thought of picking Gwen once Aatrox was picked
  • Thinks that Faker and Oner are really good at Ahri and Lee Sin. The combo of Ahri-Lee Sin and Yone are good for fights
  • Credits himself for adjusting Oner’s condition because Oner said on the day before the match ‘if you give me this AP champ I’ll carry’. He felt that Oner was filled with confidence. But Zeus thinks that if the match may not go too well if you’re overconfident
  • This is because he was overconfident before his match against GenG. He said he would carry if he got Aatrox but he didn’t so the lesson was learnt.
  • The early game was rough, Oner told him that Maokai is coming top and he said ‘ok ok I’ll leave once I push this wave’. Thought Maokai wouldn’t come and even if it comes he won’t die but he got ganked.
    • And immediately said ‘sorry sorry but top still has advantage because of laning advantage’
  • After Yone died twice, the opponent got a level advantage and Yone is in a disadvantageous 1v1 situation. He told his teammates that he’s behind but it’ll be in his favour soon. Keria said Lee Sin can come top and they got the gank on TheShy
  • Yone got really fed after the first fight for Baron.
  • Said that when he only reaches 3 items when he usually plays Yone so he asked the team what should he get for the fourth item and Faker told him to get BTs


  • After Yone got banned, if T1 picks Aatrox first WBG may pick Graves. To prevent this, T1 tried to pick the top lane champion later.
  • Prepared many champions such as Gwen Yone Jayce to counter Aatrox. If things go south he’ll play Gnar. Felt really confident about his Gnar during Worlds. No matter what champion the opponent plays, he’s confident that he can win with Gnar
  • He never actually played a game of Gwen against Aatrox in scrims. He did play a 1V1 with Dudu, felt that it was not bad and picked it. As most 1v1s end after level 6 is reached, he actually never played this matchup post level 6.
  • He didn’t play a lot of 1v1 against Dudu, but he played a lot of scrims. During scrims, he would get Dudu to play certain champs and he played a lot of 1V1 with Dudu on the day before the semifinal and final
  • Talked about his scrim with WBG and his lane was doomed: his Rumble was level 8 while TheShy was already level 13 on Aatrox, but bot lane ended the game in 23 minutes, which gave him the thought that ‘I can still win while playing like this?’
    • He said this proves the point that scrims don’t matter, if Rumble falls behind in scrims he’s completely useless
  • Said that he got a lot of pentakills in scrims and everytime he gets one he said he should have it edited and uploaded to Youtube. He got it about 2-3 times and it happened in consecutive matches: he would get a penta with Yone with his first match and get another penta on Gwen in the second set
  • Talking about the fight at midlane around the 20 minute mark: he told his teammates to not fight until he got Nashor’s Tooth, but they fought and he said I won’t TP. But T1 won and he felt a bit sad because they won without him even when he was fed.
  • Gwen with Nashor’s Tooth is unstoppable
  • When the enemy’s nexus was falling Faker said ‘it’s not fun’ which scared him


  • He thought the opponent would pick Red side but they still picked blue. He felt that the opponent have something prepared but then again there’s not a lot of champions you can prepare for the top lane. He was prepared for WBG to pick Graves first but he didn’t expect Kennen-Belveth to come out.
  • Called the Jayce ban ‘insidious’ and his line of thought was ‘wow they’re really good at this, what should I play next. Oh there’s Aatrox left let me play it
  • Belveth is good into Aatrox
  • Talking about soul point fight: Aatrox was on flank but he was scared of Bard and Belveth. Aatrox was more cautious because he had no vision. Should have arrived earlier to the fight
  • Faker lands his E very well, Akali’s Es are hard to land
  • Talking about the 1v4 situation at top lane: he got scared when they came and wanted to survive as long as he can but he didn’t die because enemy was all AP
  • Even though the team was massively ahead, he kept thinking that the game hasn’t ended. But when he tped to mid, he felt relieved and thought ‘what should I do during my break? I want to go home. Should I pick Jayce or Yone for my skin?’

Ending Remarks of the Review:

  • ‘This happened a long time ago, it’s all past glory’
  • I haven’t taken a close look, but a lot changed in LoL. You can now ride the Rift Herald

About Worlds Skin:

  • Debated between Jayce and Yone but picked Jayce because he felt sorry for Jayce
  • surprised by how Jayce doesn’t have a worlds skin so far
  • already thought of doing a lightning themed skin for prestige Yone, wanted the lighting to appear whenever Yone uses Q
  • Felt that there isn’t much lightning related stuff you can do for Yayce.
    • Wants his Jayce A/Q to feel like they hurt a lot when they land onto the enemies
    • As for Yone he thinks that mid laners play it better than him so he doesn’t think he can pick it

Other Anecdotes:

  • Practised top Tahm Kench. During scrims, he told Gumayusi that he’ll only devour Guma but he ended up devouring Faker and Guma ended up dying
  • Said that he played a lot of Yone in scrims and he was uncertain whether he should pick it because it did too well in scrims. Keria told him that they won’t lose if they play Bard and Yone so he ended up playing Yone
  • Said that Keria always had a lot of Bard highlight plays in scrims and there should be a montage made for it. Called Keria a ‘Bard gosu’ and wished Keria picked Bard but not a lot of people play him
  • Credited bot lane for playing well since scrims and said they are really reassuring and he benefited a lot from it
  • Thoughts on NewJeans: he was watching them from behind and was amazed by how fast they were moving (when dancing). He even thought ‘can one’s body even move that fast’
  • Said that he plays Lethality Aatrox because he can’t play Goredrinker Aatrox (LOL)
  • Rumbleinthejungle8B
    1 年前

    I hope they give Jayce actual greek god looks, I think that could be really cool.