Imports: 12 players (11 confirmed and 1 rumour/negotiation) – Promoted from the Academy: 10

This off-season represented a major reset in the competition, and the start of a major renovation on the Brazilian scene. Many young players from the Academy are getting their chance.

Curiosity: The CBLoL Academy is expected to change to receive tier 3 teams, but unlike the LCS, the CBLoL teams don’t want to kill their Academy teams, as the system is working well here. Apart from paiN Gaming and LOUD, all the teams have players who have come through the Academy since the franchises began in 2021.

I’ll give you guys a brief summary of the context of each team below (my opinion)

(All the information comes from Luis Santana, the 100% reliable Brazilian off-season journalist)


In 2023 they were top 3 highest payrolls in the CBLoL. They didn’t achieve any success in the season, which is why for 2024 they built a roster with some “stars” from the Academy + Kiari (currently negotiating with Fluxo), a good toplaner from CBLoL who never got a chance with good teams.

They’ll probably be fighting for last place with Liberty, but if they manage to develop Fuuu and Kojima (MVP of the last CBLoL Academy), the season will be considered a success and they’ll have set a foundation for the future.


Do you know when organizations rebuild talking about a long-term project? FURIA did this in the middle of 2023. They built a roster with only youngsters (mostly under 20 years old). Many people thought it was just an “excuse” to save money. But no, they were really planning for the future.

For 2024 they chose the 3 best players on the roster (zay, Ayu and Tutsz) and signed 2 imports who will probably be above average in Brazil.

I think they’ll fight for the top 6, but they could surprise.

  • INTZ

The big mystery of the transfer window.

It looks like they’ll be bringing back the line-up that won the CBLoL in 2020 (Tay, Shini, Envy and RedBert) for them, but instead of Micão, they’ll be keeping NinjaKiwi as Adcarry.

Well… It will be a favorite line-up for some fans, especially since Shini will be returning to professional play and he’s a big personality in the CBLoL.

Maybe they’ll fight for the last playoff spot, more than that will be a big surprise.

  • KABUM!

KaBuM! simply doesn’t know about Esports Winter (context: KaBuM is the esports team of the largest technology e-commerce company in Latin America, which is part of one of Brazil’s largest conglomerates).

The most shocking move of the CBLoL transfer window was Ceos leaving LOUD for KaBuM. It is speculated that his salary will be around $150/200k per year, a record in the CBLoL.

They’ve also bought Netuno, one of the best ADCarry in the CBLoL from Los Grandes and will most likely buy Hauz, perhaps the best “young” midlaner prospect in the CBLoL.

The biggest doubt is who will be the import jungler. Depending on the name (maybe Malrang?), this team could be the big favorites for the competition.

About Lonely… He’s an import who has adapted to Brazilian culture, and even asked to stay at KaBuM to prove himself after a terrible season with the organization (he was in elo hell, poor guy).


Liberty, like Fluxo, are also trying to build a base of young players with long-term development in mind.

The difference between the two teams is that while Fluxo picked up more high-profile Academy players, Liberty built a strong coaching staff: Turtle (former EG) and BeellzY (three-time champion with LOUD).

Micão is a big winner in the CBLoL and is likely to be the leader of these youngsters in the CBLoL.


My opinion: It’s the most dysfunctional roster in the CBLoL.

They wanted to make Netuno the star of their roster, in fact it was him who chose Kabbie as support. But KaBuM made a millionaire offer, which convinced the org and the player (who was already a bit unhappy in the org) to change their plans.

Now they have two Koreans with no experience in Brazil, two youngsters coming from the Academy and they’ll have to sign a Brazilian mid, and there aren’t many options available on the market.

A better option would have been to wait for INTZ to sign Shini, then sign Yampi and then look for a Korean mid. Yampi would be the Brazilian leader of the roster. A fundamental position in the CBLoL (if you look, all the teams with imports have Brazilian leaders: LOUD with Tinowns and Robo, paiN Gaming with Dynquedo and TitaN, FURIA with Tutsz, who has developed into a leader despite his young age, KaBuM with Ceos and Hauz and even Keyd, which despite having Western imports, has Guigo as a kind of leader).

I don’t know… They can fight for the playoffs, but there’s a real chance this roster could collapse.

  • LOUD

There’s not much to say about LOUD, they’ve kept four of the five players who are three-time Brazilian champions. They’ve lost Ceos, the best Brazilian player of 2023, and they won’t be able to replace him properly (the options for LOUD’s new support are between Damage, RedBert and frostyy).

It’s a team that will continue to be favorites for the CBLoL title, but in my view, they’re no longer as unbeatable as they were in 2023.


There’s a saying in Brazilian soccer: “A team of angels will never be champions”. Every team needs someone to do the dirty work

The paiN Gaming roster that finished runners-up four times in a row was a roster of angels, that’s why they signed TitaN, one of the players with the biggest personality in the CBLoL. The pressure on paiN Gaming (the most traditional org in the CBLoL) to be champions is at an all-time high, and that’s a huge attraction for competitors like TitaN. He could be a hero for many people.

To be his support, he brought his friend Kuri. Although they are a Brazilian and a Korean, they are very close. Kuri had problems adapting to Red Canids because he was the only Korean in the team. At paiN Gaming he will have the help of two Koreans who have been in Brazil for a long time (Xero has been the head coach of paiN Gaming since 2020) and Wizer will be the first Korean resident in the CBLoL starting from the second split of 2024 (Wizer is even dating a Brazilian for a long time and has already brought her to meet his family in Korea).

Today they may be the big favorites for the title alongside LOUD and Red Canids.


Grevthar, Aegis and Jojo, the “cousins”, are back together. They played together for several splits, split up and now will play together again.

Aegis and Grevthar were born for each other inside the Rift, they complement each other like no other in the CBLoL. Brance is the best Brazilian Adcarry along with TitaN and Route (each one is better at something) and Jojo and fNB are extremely consistent players.

This team is the only team composed of five Brazilians that is a favorite for the title. Regardless, it will be one of the public’s favorite teams because of their personalities.


It’s perhaps the roster with the best-known international names (Toucouille and SeeEl).

Initially, Toucouille arrives in Brazil to be the best mid in the competition. I don’t know much about SMILEY to talk about him, but the ADCarry role in Brazil is cruel. The evolution we saw in Brazilian botlanes in 2023 was absurd.

As for the Brazilians on the roster, they were SeeEl’s picks. Disamis and ProDelta are youngsters with great potential and Guigo (Korean Killer, he solokilled all the CBLoL Korean toplaners in lane in one split) is one of the best toplaners in the CBLoL, when he matures his decision-making, he’ll be an even bigger threat.

This team will make the playoffs, but depending on SeeEl’s work with the young Brazilians, this team could fight for the title.