So like the title says, I have creative ideas and always try to include my wife in discussions, but all she ever brings to the table is problems and negativity when we discuss things. She thinks she’s being “pragmatic” but it’s tremendously disheartening and the problems she imagines are always the absolute worst of the worst case scenarios. Everything I’ve ever read or watched when it comes to starting businesses is, just start and figure out the problems later. I’m well aware of the potential for difficulties in any endeavor, but tend to believe in myself and my ability to adapt and overcome. Has anyone else experienced this? How did you find middle ground, if at all?

  • kelseyyyyvicB
    10 months ago

    I had a lot of trouble with the same thing, but with my mom when I told her I was starting my own business. The concern comes from a mindset of scarcity and feeling afraid of losing things/risk/failure. What helped me was remembering that the concerns and negativity were born from wanting to protect me because she loves me. What I did instead was not share as much with her, or ask for her permission, and instead have those conversations (like this one) with other people who have taken the leap and have been successful or have found success. I ended up saying to her, “I love you, and I know you are concerned because you love me, but all I need from you is your love and support of my decisions and I will figure the rest out because I believe in myself.” Her doubt still sometimes comes up in conversations - whether it is a question, tone of voice or whatever and it still hurts, but I just remember that I am a strong person with a stronger mindset and belief in myself than her, and that is what makes me fit to do this. Best of luck to you - it is a hard situation for sure.