As it is the base stats are great! But the passives is pretty garbage. Even mid-late game if you have 10 kills you are getting a 20ad buff for only 60 seconds(the equivalent of 2 longswords at the 25-30 minute point isn’t much IMO)? That won’t even last until the next team fight with rez timers. Make this item grant permanent AD (1-2) for every statue you collect, maybe even with bonuses at certain thresholds that grant other things like ah, ms, lethality, ultimate haste and then have a smaller buff on takedown that lasts for 60 seconds. Maybe make it extra lethality and a shield or some move speed and a slight heal and make those scale with the number of statues you have collected, it is supposed to be an assassin item after all, get a little creative with it. You could even ditch the 2nd part of the passive and just make the statues give permanent bonuses with the aforementioned bonuses on thresholds. Just do SOMETHING to make this an item worth spending gold on as an assassin. I’m just spitballing here and my ideas probably aren’t balanced or are terrible but I really feel something needs to be done to this item to make it worthwhile. It’s such a cool concept with the statue part but then it’s like it just got phoned in on what those statues should actually do. Passives on other items just blow this one out of the water.

On another note an assassin version of the Nitro Hexaegis with Lethality instead of Atk speed and AD instead of ATK speed when you use your ult would be freaking amazing. That is such a cool item design but if you don’t benefit from atk speed you can’t really use it. There are multiple variations of the hydra items, why not multiple variations of this?

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  • KatyaBelliB
    1 year ago

    I prefer the existing design thematically: a bigger bonus but for only a short while. Echos the central tenants of hubris as a characteristic (pride before the fall). Item can give huge boosts if you are really rolling, but yoi can’t rely on it alone to carry you based on past success.