I’m curious to hear thoughts on social media planners these days. There are so many, each with their own pros and cons, and it’s starting to make my head spin.
I’m a soloprenuer and have started prioritizing social media content marketing again. Right now I’m just doing videos on Instagram and TikTok but want to expand soon.
Re: a planner, I have some criteria that I’m looking for. If anybody knows of a platform that you think would best fit my needs, I’d love to hear about it. Even something close would be great.
Must Have:
Ability to schedule videos on TikTok and Instagram Reels
Ability to schedule standard posts on Instagram and LinkedIn
A clean interface and content management system that makes it easy to adjust, archive, and post content across different platforms
Some basic analytics (likes, views, shares, etc)
No overly restrictive limits on how much content I can schedule
Under $100/mo for one user
Nice to Have:
Ability to edit videos within the platform
“Set it and forget it” scheduling so I don’t have to schedule the content, then get a reminder at the scheduled time to actually hit Post (this used to be the case with a lot of scheduling on Instagram)
Bulk uploading of content
AI helper for adjusting content
Design tools similar to what Canva offers
Ability to schedule Instagram Stories, Threads, Facebook Groups and/or other popular platforms
Under $40/mo for one user
If anybody has any thoughts, I’d love to hear ‘em!