Just that, I was curious what the community thinks a balanced game would look like.

Though to clarify a bit, ideally this would mean all champs, mechanics, and items are up to date and viable. So rather than occasional champ reworks, in my perfect world all of the out of date champs would be dusted off and given a fresh coat of paint. And this wouldn’t be reserved for just old champs, even some newer champs (Yuumi) are released with mechanics that kinda suck. Sometimes a champs mechanics themselves make it really hard to balance them. As an example, Akali has been notoriously hard to balance. Either she’s way to strong, or your inting if you lock her in.

In my opinion all of these champs could use large to small reworks. If a mechanic proves to difficult to balance, then I have to problem changing it.

So what mechanics/abilities/ stats do you think need tweaked? Should some be removed/altered?