Fashion over function and inexpensiveness over horology.
Partially true
You prefer thick latina women and sometimes lay in bed at night and wonder how you ending up with this strange white woman.
She has red hair and a phat ass and I remember why 😂
You’re a traditional American guy, probably 30s or right below / above, you like the idea of being self-made and want to give the impression of having enough money to have a respectable appearance, you equate more complicated watches with money, and you buy most of these in person at a retail location.
You like to explore the finer things without actually paying the price to get deep in them, and you aren’t afraid to rock riskier, louder looks.
JFC man, are you a professional mentalist??? That’s one hell of a cold read.
You are a white male who makes around 40-60K a year and appreciate more budget minded timepieces. You research watches online and read reviews of them before purchasing them. You got the memo to make sure your collection is colorful and not monotone. You’ve been known to get laid on occasion but not because of your watch choices.
Latino, and (very) low 6 figures; however, the rest is on point! Lol