I got ahold of my dads old pioneer SE-30 8ohm headphones, they are in rough condition and the left ear makes buzzy low volume if any at all,so opened up that can and checked with multimeter and it gets 0 so its burnt, i have a few options i would like some help in the way of advice on what to do here,is it possible to repair a speaker thats blown like this, theres no holes in the cone or tears and when you push it in and out it moves but scratch’s heavily, if not possible to repair,is it possible to find a replacement of the exact same kind? if not is there anywhere that sells 8ohm cone 70mm drivers that would match this? then last option,is it worth it, are these headphones known to have really good audio quality, if not i have smaller earhphone drivers from my older oculus rift cv1 that is known to have very good audio quality but i think theyre 16ohm so i could probably hot glue them inside of the pioneer cans, anyways any advice at all would help greatly, ultimately i would like to keep them og if at all possible.