I’ve seen a lot of conversations about Kimberly and everything that she and TJ are going through/have gone through. But what I’m not understanding is, what was Kimberly’s end goal?

She has been to India before, seen the culture, and she knew she was going to be living in the same house as TJ’s family.

Yes, TJ should’ve been more communicative and clear about what her role was going to be, then let her decide on the fate of their relationship.

I understand that she wants to have her voice heard, but I’m not exactly sure what the end goal was? then let her decide on the fate of their relationship.

Was she expecting to magically just get along with his family?

Was she expecting to not do anything around the house and just be provided for?

Was she expecting TJ just to randomly say that they can move out and not be living with his family anymore?

Or were there other expectations that maybe we just didn’t see on camera?

Either way, I’m just not sure what her expectations and goals were when she decided to move to India with TJ’s family.

  • SenorDipstickB
    10 months ago

    Kimberly is a moron making the absolute worst of a bad situation.

  • peepeehalpert_B
    10 months ago

    She was fine with doing housework for her and TJ just not for his whole family. I’m sorry, but I’d stay locked upstairs too if my brother in law who called me stupid and his mother were always downstairs, especially if they were lighting cow shit on fire in the house and spraying cow piss everywhere.

    He completely withheld what was expected of her.

  • ButtDumplinB
    10 months ago

    If I’m being honest, I think she just gave it a whirl to see if she would get her way and, if not, she’d at least get some TV exposure/attention.

    Like most people on this show now, she doesn’t seem like she’s thought out the long-term plans very well.

  • tryfry619B
    10 months ago

    TJ is the major issue over here . He never fully communicated and if you understand the language or read the subtitles properly you can already see he never gives the full answer or discloses everything .

    I honestly don’t know why 90day does this but it was the case with Jen & Rishi too . A lot of Indian guys who are awful in communication or just plain awful . Rishi never disclosed all the info regarding what he wanted or what was expected .

    People keep blaming Kimberly for not doing enough research . However She can only do so much as to what she is told to research . Based on TJ’s behavior I am sure he never disclosed that she is expected to cook clean and do a lot of house hold chores and live in a multi family house .

    I imagine Kimberly expected a living situation with just TJ not his entire family .

    Regardless I believe they broke up and she moved on to USA and she can’t disclose all that due to NDA . Good for her

  • buttsandslothsB
    10 months ago

    I think there was a lot of hope on her part and probably some level of assumption that it would work out- I also think that TJ didn’t think ahead and just assumed she’d go along with it.

    I am not 100% sure still on why she seemed so detached from living after being married versus when she was there for a year; I’ve read some articles and linked one in live thread about how conservative families and in the more rural parts of India after marriage you’re expected to stay home more and not really socialize- it could be since they’re more conservative that the expectation was she would be home a lot??? Not sure- either way it was really sad they spent so much time and resources to be culturally amiss.

  • No-Hedgehog-6804B
    10 months ago

    She said that whenever she goes down stairs she greeted with hostile looks but every time TJ gets home she’s giving him looks and even at the wedding was giving people ugly looks while getting henna. It’s a language barrier and it’s just as much their fault as it is her fault that they don’t have a common language. It’s hard to talk when you don’t speak the language so I’m sure it feels awkward to go down stairs but yash knows the language if she’s desperate to go out she could go with him. They made amends but now they’re un doing it. All the time she spends at home she could be working on learning Hindi or teaching the mom English. Kimberly puts no effort in. And TJ is just enjoying his cycle of work come home repeat and he doesn’t want any disturbances to that