One of these journalists got treated like a reporter, the other got ignored like a troll… But yes, lets hate Tepper for spending big money to try and make this team good and not wanting to hear from someone who writes for a shitty paper that paywalls every article online.

Just like anyone with a new job, you learn more as you work it. I think Tepper is showing a little more humility now and he’ll likely take this years criticisms and adjust for the next. You idiots want a new owner as if he’s a QB that can be traded.

Give him harsh criticism, sure, he deserves it. But telling him to sell the team is just being dumb for the sake of being dumb.

  • Big_Stomach9636B
    10 months ago

    Five years three coaches and a bajillion draft picks wasted on “winning now” and we are in the worst situation we’ve been in his entire tenure.

    What indications do you have to think Tepper will listen to any criticism. His entire presser was deny deny deny.

    Why wouldn’t you want him to sell, this has been a TRAINWRECK. What good coach wants to come here now? Even being paid a ton of money. No first next year, can’t evaluate the QB, horrid offensive players, oh yeah AND the owner is impatient as fuck.

    The fanbase had the wool pulled over it’s eyes and now they’re seeing the rot that’s going on in this org and wants it cut out from the core.