I’ve been playing overwatch for about 6mo now on and off, and have logged about 58hrs as Moira (my next hero being baptiste at 2hrs haha). I’d say I’m getting the hang of it and all. I know off the bat that I tend to be more dps moira and have to adjust and heal more. I also tend to use my healing spray when my teammates are full health or I start spraying before I even reach them and waste it, so I know those are some things I can work on. But I’d like to know if anyone else has any tips or pointers for someone trying to get better as Moira and climb the ranks a bit :)

2WPQWV - New Queen Street

KK0QWY - Watchpoint: Gibraltar

the sombra in NQS completely ate us up haha and in WPG I managed to not die once the first round so I think that counts for something 😅

  • Metrov527B
    10 months ago

    Fellow Moira enjoyer here. To start, it’s important to say that there are time where she just didn’t bring enough to the team and switching is instantly more impactful. The more you play, the more you’ll encounter these game where you play you ass off and you still lose, but having the utility that Bap, Kiriko or Ana have might have changed the outcome. As you improve at the game and increase in rank, these games become a bit more common.

    Moira doesn’t have utility in the way other supports do. She is limited to mid range and has low, consistent damage output, so knowing when to dps is key to getting value from her, as she doesn’t have abilities that help the team in any other way than a quick burst heal.

    Just watching your NQS replay now.

    Your first team fight, you focused on dpsing while your tank was right in front of you and died from no healing. Moira has some of the highest burst healing in the game and can swing team fights. Try to focus on healing first, then pressuring enemies.

    Secondly, you like to attack the tank in team fights (at least in the beginning before you get flanked). The yellow health bar segments that tanks have is armour and it reduces damage taken by 30%, meaning your 50dps beam only does 35dps against armour. Orisa also gets 45% damage reduction in fortify, so you’re basically doing no damage against her when she’s golden and full health.

    Moira can be an absolute pest if she harasses enemy supports and forces them to 1) divert their attention to healing the other support, which briefly leaves the rest of the team vulnerable, or 2) makes them burn cooldowns to keep themselves alive. A good example of this is your interactions with Sombra which often caused her to translocate away. Knowing when to lob a damage orb into their backline and chunk down their supports takes time, as you might find you go too aggressive and need your orb for healing 2 seconds later while it’s on cooldown.

    I would say one thing you’re not really utilising is her fade. You can jump at the end of fade to gain a lot of momentum and height, which can be used to take certain high ground or dive an enemy from above. It’s risky to engage an enemy by doing this as you won’t have fade as an escape tool if the start winning the duel or get backup, but it is very strong to use at the middle/end stages of a team fight. Fade jump above/behind an unsuspecting enemy, damage orb them so the orb bounces off the ground near their feet (extends the time it is near them = more damage), punch them as you fall and then beam them. You can very quickly take a 200hp target down below half health this way, but the cost is you burn all cooldowns, which is why it is very risky near the start of fights. Also, heroes with mobility are much less susceptible to this.

    She’s a simply hero, but you can learn a lot about game sense with her, and the best Moiras know exactly when they can be aggressive and when they need to pump heals.

  • BaBallun420B
    10 months ago

    You dont. You use other heroes and have fun👍